In the past, store owners used to hear “Jingle” sound of coins with a Joy. But gone are the days and now people are more comfortable with other payment methods. With immense competition and technological advancement, every industry is trying hard to get to new levels of success.

The payment method is now coming to digital platform and due to this hard cash is disappearing from the market. This arises a need for a device to perform online transactions. The Point of Sale (POS) Machine is the right one supersedes the account registers.

What is POS Machine ?

The Point of Sale terminal performs digital transactions and hence is the most desired and essential system for any retail store, showroom or any other transaction unit. POS Machine is integrated with hardware and software helps to perform transactions and many other operations on checkout points.

Practically speaking, POS System allows customer to pay through debit and credit cards and in return generates a bill or receipt for acknowledgement with items list, quantity and pricing. It not only helps to transact but also perform Inventory Management. It transfers information directly to the database which can easily be accesses when needed.

Types of POS Machine o POS Systems

·         Mobile Point-of-Sale

·         Tablet POS

·         Terminal POS

·         Online Point-of-Sale

·         Self-Service Kiosk POS

Working of POS Machine or POS System

POS terminals can be of many types and generally includes credit/debit card swiper, barcode scanners, cash drawer and printer for receipt. Multiple POS Machines in single store can be connected with a centralized system or server to save information of all transactions.

After the physical installation and activation of POS system, information of Universal Product Code (UPC) is stored in to it to recognize the product. Now the sales person on cash counter scans the product and the information will be transferred automatically to the centralized server. POS terminal then show individual as well as collective pricing details of all items on the screen.

What Are The Advantages of POS Machine or POS System ?

Now no retail store can go without POS terminals, as most transactions are being done online which is far easier than carrying money. Different POS terminals are used in various industries as per their applications and features. 

Few of the advantages and benefits of POS machines are:

1.       At the end of the day you can track all the orders, transactions and other details.

2.       One can track all his customers and record all of their preferences to deliver better experience.

3.       Total Cost of Ownership is improved with POS machines instead of using PC drawers.


Things To Remember Before Buying It

As per the cost analysis and intensity of sales you can judge to buy sorts of POS machines for any environment mentioned below:

1. One can choose specific POS machine as per Cloud or On-premises architecture. 

2. POS machines with subscription-based software are preferred when business requirement is not clear and planning to expand in near future.

3. POS machines with reasonable without compromising with features are the right one to buy.


Planning To Have A POS Machine or POS System At Your Store ?

When it comes to buy a POS machine – BarcoSoftTech is the firm that delivers complete POS solution and services in Dubai, UAE. You never have to make uncertain decisions about buying a POS terminal as we are just one click away to give you complete support and guidance.

BarcoSoftTech is one the best seller of POS Machines and related Inventory Management software. We follow international standards and deliver the best quality with ensured maintenance services. We also provide software design and development services including customization and integration as per demand.

Order it now and make your business grow with advance POS Machine or POS System, just visit here:

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